Academic integrity

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Topics related to academic (non)integrity in the recent period regularly resonate in the Slovak higher education and political environment. The related discourse condemned the identified errors and resulted in changes in legislation. However, if failures are not to be repeated, the reasons and motivations that enabled them to need to be identified and the rules and procedures in the higher education environment re-evaluated.

During an online academic integrity event, we discussed issues related to the very definition of academic integrity and scientific integrity, the root causes and motivations for failure, ways to ensure that failures do not recur, but also why it depends on where and how do university teachers publish?

The invitation to the discussion was accepted by:

Mgr. Tomáš Foltýnek, Ph.D. – Academic integrity and how to shape it European Network for Academic Integrity Akademická integrita a jak ji utvářet

prof. MUDr. Dušan Meško, PhD. – Commeniu University in Bratislava Plagiátorstvo, porušovanie akademickej kultúry na akademickej pôde

RNDr. Soňa Ftáčniková, Ph.D. – Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information in Slovak Republic, initiator of the National Declaration on Strengthening Scientific Integrity in Slovakia Výskumná integrita Národná Deklarácia o upevnení vedeckej integrity na Slovensku

doc. Ing. Eduard Baumöhl, Ph.D. – Slovak Economic Association Akademická integrita a publikovanie výsledkov výskumu

Mgr. Petr Černikovský – project Posílení prevence plagiátorství ve studentských pracích – Rozvojový projekt 9 českých veřejných vysokých škol

From the chat – link to manuals:

The event was intended for persons responsible for the internal quality assurance system of the higher education institution, members of structures supervising the observance of academic integrity (eg ethics commissions and councils), university teachers, researchers, students and reviewers of SAAVS.

Event record: here